How to Store and Serve Your Iberico Ham

Aug 08, 2023Casa Manolo Shop

Ah, Ibérico ham – the rich, nutty, melt-in-the-mouth delight that's a jewel in Spain's culinary crown. If you've got your hands on this delicacy, you'd surely want to ensure it stays fresh and flavourful. So, whether you're a newbie to this Spanish treat or just need a quick refresher, here's our guide on storing and serving your Ibérico ham.

Storing Your Ibérico Ham:

  1. Whole Ham Leg:

    • Location is Key: Store it in a cool, dry place, preferably hanging or on a ham stand.
    • Breathable Cover: Drape a clean cloth over it to protect from dust and light while allowing it to breathe.

  2. Sliced Ibérico Ham:

    • Refrigerate Right: Keep your packaged slices in the fridge.
    • Airing Out: Before eating, take them out an hour earlier to allow them to reach room temperature.

  3. Opened Packs:

    • Seal it Tight: Once opened, ensure the ham slices are well-wrapped in cling film or placed in a sealable plastic bag before returning to the fridge.
    • Consume Soon: Aim to eat them within 2-3 days for the best flavour.

Serving Your Ibérico Ham:

  1. Carving the Whole Leg:

    • Ensure you have a sharp, long knife.
    • Begin by making a deep incision above the hoof.
    • Proceed to slice as thinly as possible, aiming for almost translucent slices.

  2. Presentation:

    • Plate it Right: Lay the slices flat on a plate without overlapping.
    • Pairing Perfection: Ibérico ham pairs beautifully with traditional Spanish accompaniments like Manchego cheese, almonds, or some crusty bread. A glass of sherry or a robust Spanish red wine elevates the experience.

  3. Taste at its Best:

    • Ensure the ham is at room temperature. The fat should be slightly shiny, indicating it's ready to be savoured.
    • Take a moment to appreciate its aroma before tasting. This enhances the overall experience.

  4. Leftover Leg:

    • If you've got bits of ham left around the bone after slicing, these can be diced and used in stews, omelettes, or as flavourful toppings on pizzas and salads.

Remember, Ibérico ham is not just food; it's an experience. The way you store and serve can make all the difference.

What's your favourite pairing with a slice of perfectly served Ibérico ham? Is it cheese, wine, or something unconventional? Feel free to share it in the comments below. 

So, take a bit of extra care and let every slice transport you to the heart of Spain. ¡Buen provecho!

David from The Casa Manolo Family

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